My youngest daughter, Briana, was diagnosed with epilepsy in August 2006. She suffered an onset of grand mal seizures after the administration of the DPT shot at four years old. All four quadrants of her brain were misfiring every four seconds. Her neurologist said it was the worst case he had ever seen. We were in and out of ER and hospitals and tried many types of medications in order to control her symptoms and to keep her in a conscious state. The medication side effects and long seizures began to effect her personality, growth, and ability to learn. We almost lost her three different times and at one time Briana and I spent three weeks in Children’s Hospital. My daughter was born very healthy and spent the first four years of her life in perfect health. This diagnosis did not sit well as the doctors could not tell me why a perfectly healthy child develops a severe neurological disorder for no apparent reason. During the three weeks in the hospital I read and researched everything I could. It was then that I discovered that it was the “P” Pertussis in the DPT shot that caused neurological issues in her brain.

When I addressed this to two of the top child neurologists in Colorado, they refused to acknowledge the immunizations were the cause due to jeopardizing their name and reputation with reporting this to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) through the CDC. They kept telling me that these things just happen without a reason. The conversations her doctor and I had were of my acceptance that my daughter’s epilepsy was incurable and that she would never have a normal life and would always require medications. He made me feel he was just writing my daughter off as another statistic.

Needless to say this did not sit well with me. I then began to implement the nutritional knowledge I had studied all my life. I changed her diet gradually and removed all toxic foods and products. I eliminated sugars, dairy and gluten from her diet and fed her only organic, pure foods. Then I added nutrients to heal like Xanthones and different herbs.

Approximately ten months later in June 2007, my sister unexpectantly died. It was at this time I experienced my second awakening and also uncovered that my sister died because of a deadly combination of two doctor prescribed prescription medications that became toxic in her system. With my knowledge of my first awakening I wasn’t surprised when I uncovered disturbing truths about western medicine. At this point I was determined to get my daughter off her medications and get her life back. With my awareness of my extra sensory gifts now opening as a result of my second awakening, I began to heal my daughter. Understand that there are roughly a hundred billion electrically conductive, biological wires in the human brain. I began utilizing the healing energy from the DivineRealm and performing innate energy healings on her over the next six months and continued with her nutritional changes. I was then guided by spirit to wean Briana off her medications. After 2-3 weeks of weaning she was medication free and had no triggers or seizures. On May 7, 2008, a month after being seizure free, I had her doctor do an EEG and it confirmed her brain was no longer misfiring and the energy currents were normal. Her neurologist could not explain this sudden reversal and was speechless. I am excited to say my daughter Briana is over 15 years seizure and medication free.