Property Land

The land is much older than us and, in some cases, has been consecrated or energetically assigned to a specific purpose.  This land assignment is upheld by the Earth on which the property is located until it is released, and this can be at odds with its current purpose. As you would expect land with the assignment of battle ground where battles once took place would hold the energy of fear, desperation, aggression and sadness.  This type of energy could bring you into disharmony or conflict with your neighbors.  There may also be a large number of earthbound souls attached to the property. If the land was assigned as a sacred site, you may feel like you are trespassing in your own home. You may feel uncomfortable, or like you don’t belong.  Building on a sacred site can also be unusually difficult; you may have trouble with permits or permissions. There can be many earthbound souls on land formerly assigned as a burial ground creating low level energy over the property from anxiety, discomfort, frustration, and sadness. Low level energy can even have a significant impact on livestock, as well as wildlife inhabiting vacant land.