Synergetic Group Healings

A group healing session will provide an accelerated experience of personal development and awakening regardless of your stage of awareness. Participants will raise their vibration and activate an awakening to higher consciousness. Lightworkers and Starseeds will experience continued growth, activation and healing. It is an energy healing and transformative experience that will provide you the opportunity to come together for a personal healing and also take part in global healing for Humanity and Mother Earth!

What is a synergetic group healing?

A collaborative meditation session that establishes an energy frequency of the highest level using a combination of guided meditation, holographic sound, light and crystals, all bringing collective energy focused on the highest intentions and DivineRealm Healing Energy creating a multi-dimensional healing to raise and expand consciousness.

What to expect…

At a group healing session we incorporate a complete clearing of the auric field and meridians within the body and a healing that utilizes sound, negative ions and etheric field intent along with the light waves of healing energy brought in from the DivineRealm. We combine this with personal intentional
manifestation meditation and global intentional manifestation meditation, creating a high frequency resulting in a transformative healing journey.

Taking group energy healing to a new level…

The synergy healing that is created in our sessions is unlike any other. We use the group’s collaborative meditational energy to transcend this high level of frequency with healing intention for Gaia (Earth) and Humanity around the globe for further healing and activation. Bringing together the consciousness of oneness!

“What a beautiful experience! I went deeper than I expected, aware and awakened to my souls need to be expressed and nurtured. I have a deeper sense of peace in my heart. The way the space was created and how the energy became woven was an uplifting and magnificent moment in time!”
~ Brittney C. - Westminster, CO