Healing Sessions

Every Session includes, a full-body energetic detox, alignment and healing. Each session is different and is dependent on what an individual needs. Generally each session weaves in DivineRealm Energy to assist in removal of unwanted energy, entity removal, cord cutting, ancestral karma cleansing, soul retrieval, chakra balancing, utilizing tuning forks, high frequencies of color, crystal and sound, intuitive reading and spiritual guidance, and many other techniques depending on your needs. Offering insight into any underlying physical or emotional issues in order to understand the root cause and break any negative patterns that may be present.

During the session, clients receive a range of unique experiences. Clients have reported things such as body tingling, physical movement, feelings of floating, streams of thoughts and emotions, colors, warm or cool sensations, feelings of energy passing through them and sometimes profound imagery. You may experience a shift in consciousness. This is an important part of healing. 

When we finish, there is an assimilation period where we discuss your healing experience and possible suggestions for techniques or tools you can use to assist with your ongoing healing. You can feel unconditional love, sensations of warmth, caring, tenderness, empathy, or spiritual love surging throughout your physical body. These effects can last days after each session.

After the session, you may feel that something has changed or shifted, but it has shifted at such a deep level that you can’t identify exactly what it is. As you integrate the experience over the following days, you may find that you don’t react to situations in the same way that you used to, or that you are more relaxed or energized than you ever remember feeling. DivineRealm Healing is a very therapeutic process of releasing energies that no longer support your highest good. This will create energy balance bringing you greater peace and harmony. Healing continues long after the session is completed. 

Dina works with your higher self and together with other guides and angels initiates healing to resolve issues. These are the first steps to healing. Multiple sessions are needed with experiences in between to come full circle into complete healing. Everyone is different and the pace at which this happens is dependent on your vibration between sessions. Conditions or specific expectations can ultimately stop the progression of healing.


The healing energy transferred to a person’s system will continue to heal long after the session is over. Dina’s sessions are very powerful and for some it may feel gentle and for others stronger depending on their energy sensitivity. Results vary depending on what a client is needing and allowing.

Note: It is possible but rare, to feel worse than you did before the healing. Typically this is a reaction of your body ridding itself of built up negative energy and or dis-ease and it is a natural part of the healing process that usually passes within 1-3 days. Once it is cleared, you will feel an even deeper sense of clarity and openness. It is recommended that you drink a lot of distilled water to flush out your system for at least the next 3 days.